Wednesday, May 6, 2020

An Article An Officer And A Muslim Zionist - 1155 Words

Sebastyne Young has said, â€Å"A picture can tell a thousand words, but a few words can change its story† (Young). In 2012 Ala Wahib posed for what he thought would be an ordinary picture however the image became extraordinary due to its inclusion in an article titled â€Å"An officer and a Muslim Zionist†. It is important that at first glance it is not clear that the officer is a Muslim because it counters a stereotype that all Muslims look alike or that Muslims are at war with Jews. In the article Wahib is asked about how he feels about being the highest ranking Muslim officer in the Israeli army and a Zionist. The illustration of a Muslim soldier in the IDF is a great example of how images can have varying interpretations based on ones perspective. There is a problem in the modern world with the way we look and understand images having to do with Islam. Efforts taken by the media to share images which creates a positive perspective on Islam, are rare. Instead images that cause the public to connect Muslims to terror and radicalism are common because the media utilizes punctum’s such as, an image of a young victim of a terror attack, to tap into ones emotions, gaining the public’s attention. the reason why the media cares about increasing their audience is because the world revolves around money and unfortunately the world has become so used to opening up the newspaper in the morning and seeing negative images, that positive images don’t appeal to media moguls. An importantShow MoreRelatedAn Article On The Middle East2928 Words   |  12 PagesNowadays whether you are reading an article on a news paper or you are watching the news on television you will notice that there is a common topic always covered: is sues in the Middle East. This region has an ancient and fascinating history that dates back to archaic times. It has generally been considered a major centre of international trade and cultural development. However in recent times this region has been home to different conflicts that have divided the world to the point that Western countriesRead More The Arab-Israeli Conflict: Protecting Democracy in the Middle East3988 Words   |  16 Pagestheir own sovereign rule, and many saw that place as Palestine (Morris 4). The beginnings of mass immigration to Palestine began when, according to Lesch and Tschirgi’s Origins and Development of the Arab-Israeli Conflict, Herzl created the World Zionist Organization (WZO) in 1897. Among other things, the WZO helped immigrants to Palestine with purchasing land with the express intent of establishing a homeland there (Lesch and Tschirgi 5). With this immigration, Israel’s detractors have claimed thatRead MoreMass Killings And Its Effects On Society3280 Words   |  14 Pages According to the author’s opinion, there are three main challenges: law enforcement, education and public health. It is a required element to provide the reader with challenges, in order to show the possible ways of solutions. While reading the article, the reader is acquainted with ‘threat assessment’ offered by the author in order to prepare the society for a threat of potential mass killers. Mass shootings do not involve people according to the pattern. In most cases, victims of the mass killings

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