Sunday, May 17, 2020

Julius Caesar Essay - 1011 Words

Conflicting Perspectives Essay: As Roman Emperor Marcus Aurelius once suggested â€Å"Everything we hear is an opinion, not a fact. Everything we see is a perspective, not the truth†; embodying the notion that conflicting perspectives are held by different people towards both events and individuals. I believe that this common idea is held true in William Shakespeare’s production ‘Julius Caesar’, discussing the conflict between Brutus, Cassius and Antony, Richard Glover’s Sydney Morning Herald article ‘Take a Moment to Mourn the Mainstream’, debating against the depreciation of the respect over radio stations between generations, and Frank Capra’s classic film ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’, which expresses the triumph of American ideals†¦show more content†¦The protagonist Brutus and his association with honour stands a key notion in Shakespeare’s ‘Julius Caesar’. After the assassination of Caesar, conflicting perspectiv es arise when Brutus suspects that Cassius has been dishonourable by taking bribes, â€Å"Cassius, you yourself/ are much condemned to have an itching palm.† In response Cassius retorts â€Å"I an itching palm?†, with an exclamatory tone, provoking a fight. Through the use of emotive language and sickness imagery, such as â€Å"corruption†, â€Å"bleed†, and â€Å"contaminate†, Brutus spells out his contempt towards such poor principles and his powerful closing lines â€Å"I had rather be a dog and bay the moon/ than such a Roman† cement this stance on the matter, whilst stating that he considers that his view on honour is the truthful viewpoint. Comparably, the related text of Frank Capra’s 1939 film ‘Mr. Smith Goes to Washington’ effectively represents the conflicting values of corruption and honour. Capra’s protagonist; the amateur senator ‘Jefferson Smith’ rises to express his knowledge that the scheme of a Deficiency Bill for a dam is fraudulent and that various corrupt congressmen are attempting to use it for their own profit; â€Å"A manShow MoreRelatedJulius Caesar Essay662 Words   |  3 PagesEnglish II November 30, 2011. Julius Caesar ´s Essay Julius Caesar is mostly known for his great leadership in Rome ´s Empire, he accomplished everything he purposed and he did whatever it took to make it happen. He had all it took to be such a leader; women were in love with him, men wanted to be part of his army and children wanted to be like him when they grow up. For Caesar all it took was courage and selfishness to get to where he was. A leader is a person who knows the way; goes theRead MoreEssay Julius Caesar931 Words   |  4 PagesJulius Caesar Expository Essay The decisions that one man makes can determine the length of life. Rome has many people that have the characteristics to be great leaders. Antony is a manipulative man, Brutus is an honorable man, and Octavius is a quiet strength. All three men would do an excellent job in leading Rome. Antony is a manipulative man. This is shown throughout the play in several cases, but most prominently at Caesar’s funeral. â€Å"I thrice presented him a kingly crown which he didRead More Julius Caesar Essay573 Words   |  3 Pages SUMMARY: Shakespeares Julius Caesar is the story of the resulting conflicts from the assassination of perpetual dictator and Roman emperor, Julius Caesar. A great friend of Caesar, Mark Antony, comes to the senate to see the dead body of their dictator. He pretends to not be angry at those who took part in the assassination, and asks to speak at his funeral, a request which he is granted. 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His changes to the empire helped take Rome to new levels of success. The life of Caesar was short, yet great. It is important to learn about this great man and his many accomplishments. Gaius Julius Caesar was born on July 13th, 100 B.C. to a poor, Patrician family in Rome (â€Å"Julius Caesar†; Gruen 12). For most of his young life, Caesar lived in an apartmentRead More Julius Caesar Essay: Decision Making in Julius Caesar862 Words   |  4 Pages Decision Making in Julius Caesar nbsp; Making the right decisions is an ongoing struggle for man, because making decisions is never easy, and the wrong decision can lead to endless perils. Decisions must be made when dealing with power, loyalty, and trust. 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